東南アジア、レバノン、エジプトなど13ヵ国以上で人々を支援する団体 @lp4y_france (www.lp4y.org)が主催のシャンゼリゼの素敵な場所で行われるチャリティアートオークションに参加します。


I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be taking part in a charity art auction organized by @lp4y_france (www.lp4y.org), which helps young people in situations of extreme poverty and exclusion to find employment and social integration in over 13 countries, including Southeast Asia, Lebanon and Egypt.
This Saturday and Sunday, the doors are open to all. On Saturday from 4pm, I’ll be giving a calligraphy demonstration. In addition, a cocktail reception will be held on the same day from 7 to 9 pm.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Please click here to participate in the online auction.